Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Power of a Positive Attitute - A Gabby Mom's Review

This month I'm reviewing a great new product from Eternal Encouragement.  Lorrie Flem said it just right when she quoted the old saying:

The flip side of that would be if Momma IS happy than most likely everyone else in the family will be happy as well.  Who doesn't want a happy family?

The problem: Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut of negativity, even if it's just over one particular area of our lives. Sometimes being happy is just easier said than done!  I know I get that way sometimes, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. 

You are in for a treat with this product because it doesn't just tell you that you should have a good attitude.  It doesn't just tell you how a positive attitude is Biblical.  You are going to get practical tips and action steps to help you improve your attitude. 

You can listen to these audios over and over again while you're doing your chores or driving in the car.  You'll also get a study guide to take with to your quiet time and really study in depth the principles being taught and a list of scriptures to ponder and pray over. 

I realized, while listening to these audios, why I like listening to Lorrie Flem so much.
1. She's got a great voice and I feel like I'm having an intimate discussion with a good friend about things that really matter to me.
2. She always gives me solid action steps to help me change and to help me look more like Jesus everyday.
3. She relies on the Word of God for truth.  I can study gratitude in the Bible myself by using the study guide that comes with this product.  This is SO important because Hebrews 4:12 says that God's word is quick and powerful and sharper than any 2 edged sword.  This means it cuts in front; it cuts behind, and pierces to the heart of the matter.  It cuts the lies to find truth.  It cuts through our sorrow to find faith hope, and joy.  Lorrie understand that real changes in life comes from God and His truth.
4. She gives good historical and biblical background that really helps me understand the Bible better, which in turns helps me understand the truths being taught on a much deeper level.
For example, in this audio, Lorrie gives a detailed background of leprosy before teaching the Bible story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers.  I didn't understand the depth of teachings in these verses till having that background information.  Lorrie then teaches the principle of gratitude.

Now let me give you the specifics.  Go here on Nov 1 to get your copy of this product.  It includes a 3 part audio. 
Part 1: Centered and Sane
Part 2: Growing Gratitude
Part 3: How To's of Growing Gratitude
A personal study guide to use with the audios.

I was truly encouraged by this product and I know you will be too.